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Bike to Work Day Breakfast

May 18 flyer final update.png

Join us on Friday, May 18, 2018 for Elm City Cycling’s Bike (and Walk) to Work (and School) breakfast to celebrate national Bike to Work Day, from 7:30-9:30 a.m. at Pitkin Plaza, on Orange Street between Chapel and Court streets.

Enjoy breakfast, coffee and conversation with dozens of other commuting cyclists and pedestrians, including students, parents and staff from event sponsor Cold Spring School.  You can practice mounting your bike on a CT Transit bus bike rack (take 10 seconds) to improve your multi-modality. City transportation officials will be on hand to describe the latest and upcoming bike/ped improvements, and cyclists from neighboring towns will share best practices and routes for bike commuting.The theme of this year's breakfast is "Say Hello." Greeting the walkers and bikers you pass in the course of your day will help build a friendly, supportive active transportation community. Registration appreciated but not required on Facebook at Elm City Cycling.

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